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Intimate wedding in Tuscany: pink powder, magenta and white*
Proudly featured on Bridal Musings Romantic, Intimate & Emotional Destination Wedding in Tuscany If you’reView full post »
Sean, Kim e la terra del Vento*honeymoon in Tuscany
Italy is a perfect place for your honeymoon or prewedding photos: you can stroll among architectural, natural and artistic beauty.View full post »
a Magical Indian Wedding in Italy
Glamorous Three-Day Italian Destination Wedding at Relais de Charme Tabiano Castello Seema and Amit’s Indian Wedding wasView full post »
Indian destination wedding in Italy: Seema ed Amit
Glamorous Three-Day Italian Destination Wedding at Relais de Charme Tabiano Castello Seema and Amit’s Indian Wedding wasView full post »
Lookslikefilm, l’Eleganza del riccio ed il Bianconiglio
“Ha l’eleganza del riccio: fuori è protetta da aculei, ma ho il sospetto che dentro sia semplice e raffinata come i ricci” dalView full post »
Chi mi conosce bene sa del mio percorso a ostacoli, fatto di tanti studi, di porte sbattute in faccia e di poche, pochissimeView full post »
Blu come un Sogno: matrimonio nel Magico Museo Bardini
Ho fatto un sogno bellissimo in una notte di Dicembre: ho sognato di una parete Blu di un Blu mai visto, di una galleria di dipinti e diView full post »
Aspettavo questo servizio da tantissimo tempo ma Venezia,capricciosa e dispettosa,mi ha accolta con una pioggia fitta fitta che non mi haView full post »
Gina and Matthew: Tuscany elopement
Tuscany is my land, the best palce all over the world for your elopement and intimate destination weddings. If you love idyllic landscape,View full post »
Nika and Adam*London Session
“> A little new on my blog: music!! I believe that photography and music connect human beings to each other and this allows usView full post »
Meifang and Luca*Notting Hill session
In the Portrait of a Lady Henry James described Isabel Archer with these words: “Her life should always be in harmony with the mostView full post »
Alex and Alexander fairy tale: Sunset ceremony in tuscany
If you’re planning your wedding in Italy, a sunset ceremony in tuscany must be one of you options: an outdoor ceremony in a beautifulView full post »